Money is linked to all the activities that we do in this world! is devoted to finance. If you have a way to save money or if you have any interesting tips with regard to finance, money management, retirement planning, tax preparation, estate planning, credit and debt or investment then you are welcome to write for us.
Topics can be chosen from the following categories –Banking, Bills, Credit cards, Debt, Savings, Mortgages, Loans, Insurance, Energy or utility bills, but you are not limited to these categories.
Benefits of writing for
- We provide links back to your website
- We will help you to acquire an exposure among a lot of enthusiastic readers who are looking forward to amazing piece of writing.
- We share your content & bio across the social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest to get an acknowledgement from other sources.
- If you are a business owner, we will help you in booming your brand with your interesting posts and stimulate your readers in a positive way.
If you are interested in joining hands with us – write an article of your area of expertise and register your profile with us. Let’s team up!
Writing Guidelines:
- The submitted article should be unique. It should not be a copied content.
- The Article should be well written, attractive and informative with actionable tips.
- An article must be of 450 words or more.
- Articles should be only in English.
The editorial team has the right to make changes without any prior approval.
Directions for writing articles –
- First impression is the best impression! Your opening passage, makes your reader decide, if he/she should continue reading. So, the commencing lines should be very appealing!
- If you have to backup any statistics or studies, please include a link as to where this has been found.
- Make sure that the facts and guidelines are clear and compact and make sure that you have skipped off superfluous statements.
- Write in a way that communicates your own particular identity and voice. This way, the readers can connect well with the writer.
- Keep your writing crisp! 500 words or toning it down would be better!